Update 2.2 - Released


  • Added options for Hidden, Embed, and YouTube have been added to posts styling.
  • Fullscreen mode for webcomics. Simply press fullscreen on the comic navigation bar to activate fullscreen mode on your web browser.
  • Automatically increments the page number based on the last 5 pages and estimates it when uploading a new page.
  • Added Open Sans to MySite so it can be used in the CSS.


  • Emails now being set out by MySite now sets the from to no-reply@your-domain.com.
  • Fixed the styling features of adding a new post, when pressing one of them they no longer reload the page.
  • External Links to other websites on the menu will now open as a new tab if they're https.
  • When editing a post there will no longer be a printout of the page.
  • External links with https now appear in the Administrate Pages section of the Admin Controls.
  • Refactored the Post template code so it wasn't appearing 8 times.

Release 2.1 - Released


  • A new way of measuring activity has been introduced into MySite, this is known as Metrics.
  • Go into the Admin Controls and select Metrics, from there you can create new metrics or administrate them.
  • When creating a new Metric you choose what PageLoad will trigger the Metric and what the Multiplier is.
  • Note: Currently the only Metrics collected are from page loads, future Metric trigger types will be added in the future.
  • When a Metric has been triggered, it adds one to the quantity, sets when it was last updated, and adds the current multiplier to the current value.
  • When you use the Administrate Metrics panel you'll see a list of all your existing Metrics. They will have an ID, an Event Type (that is currently locked to Page Load), Trigger, Quantity, Last Updated, Multiplier, and Value.
  • Quantity, Multiplier, and Value can be manually edited by an admin.
  • Quantity is a real number to identify the number of occurrences of when the trigger happens.
  • Multiplier is added to the Value each time the trigger happens. This means if the multiplier changes part way through the use of the Metric the existing Value of the Metric doesn't change.
  • To embed a Metric into a page simply use the metric=# where # is the ID of the Metric. Then inside the metric tag use %quantity%, %value%, %lastupdate%, and %multiplier% to use the values from the Metric with the ID you specified.
  • Changed the data validation on the post contents so that it's no longer screwing up UTF8 characters.

Release 2.0 - Released


  • Introduced new Carousel Galleries. This can be disabled in the settings.php file.
  • Gallery bio's are added to specific combonations of page and gallery. This can be added when inserting a gallery into a page and can be edited in the administration of galleries.

Update 1.9.1 - Released


  • Added Deviant Art link in the social media section.
  • Galleries will now support having text for a brief.

Version 1.9 - Released


  • Added a ComicPost <div> around the posts associated to a comic page. The posts are still inside a Post4 <td> class but with the extra div it allows for more cleaver manipulation of the post.
  • MySite stats have been improved to identify if any MySite or Project Wonderful adverts have been received per unique visitor as well as if each unique visitor has JavaScript enabled.
  • Improved the stats filtering to exclude other bots and the Project Wonderful service, which was bloating the stats.
  • Put the stats in it's own container class called StatsBox
  • The update feature has been improved if the $SiteTitle varliable is missing it is set to equal the $SiteName variable.
  • Table containers for Posts and such now have the spaces removed from them for their class names to prevent overlap with existing classes in the CSS.
  • Added support for a css file to be associated to mobile web browsers.
  • Added support for different CSS to be loaded if specified in the URL using the CSS= argument.
  • The static set width of 150 pixels for the left column is removed when the website is viewed by a mobile web browser.
  • The feature remembering where the reader was in the comic is now built to accommodate floating point page numbers.
  • The Comic Archive can now display previews of the page instead of just the date it was release.
  • Individual Comic Pages can have the chapter tag added to the page text anywhere within it. Setting it to a number will associate that page within a chapter in the comic archive. If no chapter is associated to the page it'll be placed in an unassociated chapters section at the top of the Comic Archive.
  • Removed the separating table columns from the Comic navigation, this means the buttons can be together rather than equally spread apart.
  • Added new ComicNavButton class to the comic navigation buttons (first, previous, archive, next, last).
  • Fixed the issue for floating point comic pages where it is trying to determine what the next page should be and casting them as integers.

Version 1.8 - Released


  • embed tags now implemented.
  • embed tags can be used to put foreign content within your page.
  • If the foreign content is located with in the same domain as the page, the iframe's height will automatically be adjusted after it has finished loading. Note: if the content is from another domain then this feature will not work.
  • Classes can be assigned to iframes generated by the embed by simply setting <embed=class>.
  • Upon completion of editing a post/comic page/gallery image, you are taken back to the page that the post resides on.
  • When deleting an image in a comic/gallery, a preview of the selected image is given.
  • Fixed facebook like button bug.
  • Increased the maximum user name characters to 20.
  • Fixed bug where galleries inserted into pages where loosing the directory they were associated to.
  • Added feature to change gallery directory in the Administrate Galleries page.
  • All external references to wolframite-reign.com have now been replaced with xenogelion.com

Version 1.73 - Released


  • Stats page now highlights which days have had new content with a (*).
  • Added support for Project Wonderful Skyscraper banners in the right column.
  • Using "postsplit=<insert name>" creates a separate post for that user. In addition the class of each post is defined as that persons name. If no name is given the class is set to the original posters name.
  • Postsplit items now have excess characters trimmed from the ends of the post.
  • When adverts are hidden using Ad Blocking software an image is displaced saying what the "Advertising Space Here".
  • Arrow keys can now be used to navigate comic pages.
  • Fixed the issue where the next button doesn't take you any further into the comic even though there are more pages.
  • Fixed the issue where Tweet button won't put the URL in tweet to be posted due to a space at the end of the URL.
  • Fixed the issue where the tweet button would suffer the position static attribute by directing it to a customised version of it's JavaScript.
  • Removed margin:0px and padding:0px from the elemental div elements used to contain posts, comics etc.
  • Required items for uploading comic pages have now been given red *.

Version 1.72 - Released


  • Added CookieToken to NSSUser table.
  • Added LastIP to NSSUser table.


  • Random logo images works for the MenuLogo item as well.
  • Embedded style for a random logo's width and heigh are removed. These now need to be defined in the CSS of a web page.
  • Creating a new post now has text area's width set to 100%.
  • Fixed the acquisition of country for the visiting websites.
  • Fixed issue where registering a new account creates an incorrect password.
  • Fixed issue where back button doesn't work.
  • Added additional GeoLocation support. If the IP has already been registered it will check the visiting IP against information already obtained.
  • Cookies have been added to login facility.
  • When user logs into web package cookie is set for user both server side and client side and will only exist for 14 days before logging in again is required.
  • When a user logs into the web package the IP address is recorded as the last location they're logged in from.
  • Upon loading the web page for the first time a comparison against the key and last IP address is performed. If they match the user is automatically logged in, upon failure the cookie is deleted.
  • Upon logging out the cookie is automatically deleted.

Version 1.71 - Released


  • Fixed issue with creating new password when using the Forgot Password feature.
  • Fixed issue with setting a new password under the Settings option.
  • More in depth location search for the country based on IP Address.
  • Removed the attempt at making it so that you could click on the comic page to change page.
  • There is no longer a <br/> generated after a post on the comic page.
  • Tables for comic posts now have class of the posters name.
  • Postsplit can be given a value inside the tag to identify the author of the following post.
  • Comic posts can now display who uploaded the page and when.
  • Text Box for adding or editing a post has it's width set to 100%.
  • Social Icons no longer have spaces between them.

Version 1.7 (Formally 1.62) - Released


  • Added 'ComicImage' container around for the img tag.
  • Only comments can be deleted as opposed to deleted comments and posts in the comments section.
  • Tags can now process stings with single quotes within the phrase.
  • Added new Hidden tag that hides any text from non-admin users. Admin users will see it as text with the same attributes as the Hidden anchor links.
  • Hidden tags can take a date in the format of 'yyyy-mm-dd' and if the date of access is >= the date set of the tag the text within the tags will be displayed.
  • If SiteWidth is not set in settings.php the web package automatically assumes SiteWidth to be 100%.
  • If SiteWidth is 100% then images via the [IMG] tag will be treated to have width 100% instead of -200.
  • Image thumbnails are now included inside the Gallery CSS class.
  • Username for login is no longer case sensitive.
  • SoundCloud objects can now be defined to have an argument of 'users' or 'tracks' with the ID still between the tags. This determines if the ID is treated as a user or a track.
  • A selected page on the Menu now has the "selected" class.
  • Social icons below the menu no longer have a 5 pixel margin around them.
  • The div around the social icons below the menu now have a group class of "SocialIcons".
  • Each social icon anchor link now has the class for the type of social icon: I.E. twitter, gplus, youtube, etc.
  • Each social icon anchor link now has the class "social".
  • Marquee tags built into posts system for single line scrolling text. Dimensions and other settings can be over-written using the Marquee class in CSS.
  • The Marquee automatically calculates the width of the text and scrolls the text accordingly.
  • Hovering over the Marquee pauses the text in position to see the names.
  • The Marquee will always complete a loop of text within 30s, this will be calculated at an acceptable rate in the future, however it can be changed in the .Marquee class using CSS.
  • The Stats page now displays the total number of site visits for the last 28 days.
  • Visits are now shown as unique visits and page visits per day.
  • Visits are now tallied to number of unique daily visits for the last 28 days and the number of unique visits for the last 28 days.
  • Country data is now collected based on IP address used to visit the page.
  • Number of unique daily visits per country for the last 28 days are tallied up and displayed as a list in descending order.
  • Permissions System.

Permissions System:

  • New User section under Admin Controls.
  • Insert Members List into Page and Invite User have been moved to the User section from the Site section.
  • Create Roles allows admins to create dynamic roles to allow users to do different things.
  • Manage Roles used to define what access different roles have.
  • Early Access is used to define how many days of early access to specific content a specified role has.
  • Setting Early Access to -1 gives infinite early access.
  • Early Access can be used to view a comic page ahead of release.
  • "(Early Access)" appears in the post title if the comic page when it is being accessed before the release date.
  • Hide Adverts is used to declare specific user roles are exempt from seeing adverts on the core page. This permission cannot be granted to non registered site visitor.
  • Roles can be assigned to Users through the Members List. Assign Roles by selecting the users you wish to have a specific user account, then select the specific role and hit submit.

Version 1.61 - Released


  • Gave the Gallery Titles the class 'GalleryTitle'.
  • Galleries are now contained with 'Gallery' classes.
  • MailingList objects now have the container 'MailingList'.
  • TopWebComics objects now have the container 'TopWebComics'.
  • Added MenuLogo object to have a logo above the menu as opposed to the top of the page.
  • Subscription to mailing list now says 'Subscribe:'.
  • Changed 'Please Enter Email' to 'Email' on the subscribe text box.
  • Set subscribe text box to default back to 'Email' if text box looses focus and is still blank.
  • Made description text for subscribe area less redundant.
  • Comments can now be submitted as a guest if the option is enabled in the settings.php
  • Admins can now "delete" comments.
  • Added profanity filter for the comments.
  • Added soundcloud tag.

Version 1.6 - released


  • Subscribed emails will no longer be sent out in error.
  • Tweet button now links to proper site page.
  • Non-Comic pages have currently been disabled.
  • Added in RSS support for comics only, post support will be added in the future.
  • RSS statistics are gathered and associated to a nickname.
  • RSS statistics are shown in the stats page and do not impact other stats.
  • Fixed the alert of undesired browsers visiting the website.
  • Social Networking icons have been updated.
  • Social Networking icons have been aligned to the centre of the left column.
  • URL now updates when a user clicks a javascript enabled anchor link.
  • Deleting images from a gallery works correctly.
  • The Bold button when creating a new post works correctly now.
  • Advert iframe no longer takes more than 150 pixels in width.

Version 1.51 - Released


  • 'New Update Available' spelled correctly.
  • Added support to Tweet a comic page.
  • Logs are deleted automatically after 6 months.
  • Users who haven't logged in within the last year will be deleted.
  • Unvalidated users will be deleted after 1 month.
  • jQuery dynamic page loading, to reduce the stress on client PCs and if javascript is disabled then it'll revert back to traditional loading.
  • Index page automatically downloads the Downloader.php page when a new version of MySite becomes available

Version 1.5 - Released


- New tagging system used to parse posts and put URL links to a specific page.
- Uploading a new comic page with the same name no longer bugs out and deletes the page.
- Comic Archive Page.
- When a post is attempted the site now remembers the post in case of failure. This means when an admin returns to the post it still exists.
- Comics are referenced properly in the mailing list so if the date changes the emails won't go out on the wrong date.
- The Downloader now sets all files downloaded to be rw-rw-r-- permissions (for linux Operating Systems).
- The Downloader now adjusts the admin details correctly as two users with the same name on different sites would be counted as the same one user.
- The value entered into $TopWebComic (in settings.php) has to be greater than 0
- Implemented a method to allow users to broadly email out to email subscribers.
- Last Login information is now registered as "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" as opposed to standard British format.
- Added a Google Description meta tag.
- The Downloader.php automatically updates the settings.php and adds new variables with default values.
- When entering in values to fields they are now trimmed to prevent space characters from screwing up the links.

Version 1.42 - Released


- New Tagging system designed to hunt for phrases in posts and insert anchor links directly into the content.
- Firefox doesn't do CSS relative positioning for tables, as a result the contents of each container has been given a new div class called <name>Position. i.e. ComicBoxPosition, MenuPosition, etc.
- The stats page now filters for search engine bots.
- When a new comic page is uploaded and the mailing list is awaiting a new comic release date, the mailing list will be updated with the date of the newly uploaded comic.
- Uploading a new version of the comic page doesn't fail anymore.
- Added support for a TopWebComic link.
- Added in auto forwarding to latest page. If the last page a person viewed is the second to last page available the page will automatically forward them to the last page.

Version 1.41 - Released


- Verifies the email address being added
- Stats page now monitors how many people have registered
- Brief message explaining the purpose of the email box

Version 1.4 - released


- Fixed it so the BB code tags work on new posts
- Set up the webcomic page to remember where a person last was on the webcomic. Only works if they are visiting with the same IP Address. If their IP Address changes then the webcomic will default to either the first or last page (depending how it is set up)
- The [postsplit] tag can be specially used in webcomic posts only to allow for multiple posts.
- Posts can no longer be made on a page with a Comic separate from the comic itself
- Altered how the facebook link is generated allowing for people to have the main page of the website as the comic and the link being generated correctly
- Built into comic pages a calendar to select the date for post release pages
- Added in BB code links to all post making pages
- The logo now correctly links to the home page
- The MainBody class now encompasses the entire main content. The copyright and logo classes still function the same way.
- Basic Search feature implemented, can be enabled in the settings.php
- Comic Page Page Number can only be numbers now
- Mailing list feature built into the website. Currently informs subscribers when a new page has been released.

Version 1.32 - Released


- added unsorted list object [//ul] for posts
- added profile object [//profile] for posts
- when editing a comic/image the title and issue number are extracted correctly.
- Java script support for BB codes in post. Double click on a word to wrap the code you want.

Version 1.31 - Released


- If a user attempts exceed more than 3 tries to log into an account it is seen as an attempt to hack into the site. From there the web package will take 1 minute for each failed attempt. Meaning on the fourth attempt the web package will take 4 minutes to validate the attempted access to the website.
- Any unrecognised username or incorrect password will result in the same error message to stop hackers being able to determine an accurate username but not password.
- Each comic is given a unique id going in the pattern of ComicPage## where ## represents the page number of the comic. This is to allow custom CSS for specific pages if needed.

Version 1.3 - released


- added forgotten password page
- added user settings page to allow users to change their password
- gathers data on what web browser the client users
- an option to notify certain web browsers that the site isn't fully supported for their browser.
- an option to allow unsupported browsers to continue with accessing the website.

Version 1.24 - Released


- Restricted the results of the stats feed to only give resolutions with a width greater than or equal to 1024.
- Restricted the results of the stats feed to only give data from the last 20 days.
- stats feed now gives more detail about what resolutions view the page and how many unique visits view with that resolution.
- Comic navigation bars can now be at the top, bottom or both respective to the comic, this is set in the settings.php file.

Version 1.23 - Released


- drop down menus associated with links are now of the class 'SubMenu'.
- Posts are now correctly displayed in date order.
- the Stats page has now been set to the last 20 days
- the Stats page now shows the lowest resolution the website is being viewed at and how may people are viewing it at that resolution
- comic navigation has been added to the bottom of the comic as well

Version 1.22 - Released


- Facebook Like button for comic pages
- Schedule spelling correction made for the Admin Controls
- Changed Issue for Page
- Admins can now see all comics uploaded rather than those restricted by a post date.
- When a comic page is deleted all comments associated are deleted.
- Admins can now replace comic pages and images without needing to delete them first.
- Added facebook and twitter link support in settings.php, can be located under the menu.
- Each comic title can now be styled with .ComicTitle
- The comic window is now contained within frame and can be stylised like Posts and Comments but with ComicBox instead (e.g. .ComicBox4)

Version 1.21 - Released


- Statistics page now shows number of pages view and number of unique views.
- Special characters such as ' or " can now be used in posts
- HTML code can no longer be injected in posts or comments
- Comics without a title now display correctly
- The Title to each comic has been given the CSS class IssueTitle
- If a comic has a blank post the post box will no longer appear but the option to edit the comic is still available
- Added support for underlining with [U]

Version 1.2 - Released


- Project Wonderful Plugin

Version 1.13 - Released


- increased the size of posts from 5,000 characters to 20,000


- supports Heading tags, [H] can set by h = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6
- escape tagging, if you begin your tag with [\X] where X is the tag type you want, you'll receive the tag rather than the parsed result. e.g. [B]
- escape apostrophes in titles allowing for abbreviations.
- calculation of number of visits is now assigned to a specific MySite instance, rather than across all MySites on that host.
- sub pages can be set as the default loaded page by arranging it as the first item in the page order. This can be done in the Arrange Pages option in the Pages -> Admin Control panel.
- admins can now see which of their users has posted since they last logged in and see their commens and where they are located.
